
Are you drinking too much coffee?

Is a gluten-free diet right for you?

What about a high protein diet for weight loss?

Are you at risk for certain vitamin deficiencies?

What is the best exercise for your genes?

The answer may be in your genes

Nutrigenomics (Nutritional Genomics) is a science studying the relationship between the human genome, nutrition and health. I am now offering an exciting new service called Nutrigenomix. It is a simple genetic test using your saliva that will help me create personalized nutrition recommendations that are based on your DNA!

In 480 BC, Hippocrates noted that “positive health requires knowledge of man’s primary constitution”. This was just an ancient way of saying that we cannot achieve optimum health without knowing about our genes. We now know that specific variations in our genes can explain how we will respond to the foods, beverages and supplements we consume. Check out the brochure below (click to view) and attached downloadable sample report consider taking the next step towards your own personal optimal wellness plan!

Nutrigenomix Health Brochure
Download Nutrigenomix® Health Brochure (PDF 2 MB)